Tag Archives: video

A Merry Christmas Post!


Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays/[insert favorite general cheerfulness here]!!

As a guest blogger here on The Aidan Turner Extrelix I thought I’d share a classic Christmas-related video from Aidan Turner’s good ol’ Being Human days. Besides, who doesn’t want to see him (with Lenora Critchlow and Russell Tovey) in a Santa hat anyway? Exactly. So here’s my gift to you:

Merry Christmas, Mr. Turner! Happy Howl-days! And a Fang-tastic New Year!

Also! See here for a Chibi Fili and Kili (in a Santa Hat)!! Cuteness abounds.

Share the mirth, the laughs, the chibi-Hobbit cuteness! Click a link below!

Press Junket Junkie: Another Interview with Aidan


So, here at TATE we’re doing our best to gather up all these fun and insightful interviews with Aidan Turner (and whom ever may accompany him at the time). Below I have another interview with James Nesbitt…

Okay, hang on. Let me explain something. (Which you probably already know, but just in case…) During Press Junkets, the cast sits in a room for X amount of hours while different interviewer come in for five-minute slots. I’m saying this to explain why a number of these interviews with always be with James Nesbitt (I LOVE Bofur!) and why they are wearing the same clothes.

But, again, you probably knew that. In case you didn’t, now you do. (TATE, at your service…).

Continuing! Here’s an interview by Smooth Radio Network asking the duo some fun questions about the life/experience of filming The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. My favorite was the final question posed to both James Nesbitt and the talented Aidan Turner about what music they put on directly after a day’s work.

You also get a strong sense of the type of person Aidan appears to be. He seems like a grounded, warm spirited, and genuine man. I have to say, when I first discovered him (from Being Human) I avoided his interviews like the plague! I was terrified I would find out he was an arrogant , self-centered jerk or something (and I really, really wanted to like him). Crisis averted! There was no need to fear “getting to know him.” Relief!

So here, anyway, enjoy this interview (and forgive them for spelling his name wrong):

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Aidan Interviewed by FILMCLUB UK


Today’s lovely little update has James Nesbitt and our main interest, Aidan, being interviewed by 12-year-old Matt (of FILMCLUB). Some of the questions are the usual, but it’s interesting to see how a kid asking them changes the atmosphere. Also, if you watch the behind-the-scenes clips that are intercut throughout you see an amusing clip of “Bilbo” basically tackling Aidan’s Kili during the Troll Encounter (as I’ll ominously call it). But I would notice the stunt work over the other clips. (I was a stunt performer for a stint…)

Anyway! Interview!


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Aidan in Interviews


Hello! We’re The Aidan Turner Extrelix, at your service…

As expected it’s a bit hard keeping up with Aidan these days. I’ll be posting some interviews over the next few days as I attempt to catch up!

Some of my favorite interviews with him are when he’s with his fellow Irishmen. They tend to talk more familiarly together and given the context the result appears to put Aidan squarely in his comfort zone. In the interview below he answers why he doesn’t have his natural Irish accent in The Hobbit. He also explains why he likens the Wellington red carpet premiere to an Irish Saint Paddy’s parade. Did any of you watch the live streaming of that event? (Oh, I did! Me, I did!). (Clearly, I was excited). Were any of you there? (Then, jealousy!)

Enough of by blathering, right? Let’s get to the good stuff:


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Lookin’ good in the green there, Mr. Turner…. [Insert playful winking here].

The Hobbit Production Video #3


Peter Jackson is really spoiling us releasing a third production video online (July). This one introduces us to the characters a little more, their costumes and a few scenes. There are several actors that’s familiar in this video:  Ian McKellan, Cate Blanchett and our very own (very beardless) Aidan Turner. Aidan is considered the ‘hot, sexy dwarf‘ because he’s the only dwarf that’s without a beard. “If there were a boy band in Middle Earth!”